Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Mini Dioramas

Captain Tarplas in the Gungan Hidout

Plo Koon in the Snow
Captain Needa commanding his ship.

Gungan Soldier getting ready for battle on the Naboo Field
Biggs at his house

My trip to Mall of America's LEGO Land

Check out my Star Wars Action Figure Collection.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Check out this video

 Work Cited

Jedi Code-By DuduFilm. 2011. Film. 4 Dec 2012. <>. 

My Collections

Darth Maul with his brother Savage Opress and Mother Talzin.

Clone Piolet Oddball with a Clone Trooper and 501st Clone Trooper

The Kit Fisto Trio
Here is all my 103 figures with 2 pod racer and three ships. One MTT and 4 speeders are also shown.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Darth Maul Returns Battle Pack

The Darth Maul Returns Battle pack comes with Savage Opress, Darth Maul cyborg, and Mother Talzin. It comes with Darth Maul's double bladed lightsaber that can come apart like Asajj Vetress lightsaber. Mother Talzin comes with a lightsaber also, even though it hasn't been shown in any of the episodes so far. Savage Opress comes with an axe. All the figures have great detail, and Hasbro is getting better at that. I think Savage should have come with his lightsaber instead of Mother Talzin unless she appears with it later on in the series. I also would have liked if Darth Maul could stand up without a stand and a turning waist. Savage armor looks just drawn on then realistic.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

About Me

I was born in Sweden at the hometown of my mom, but my dad was born in America. Both of them were missionaries, so they met in Africa. I spent my 2nd to 9th birthday in Africa. My bother, Yohannes, was born in Africa, my sister was born in America, and my youngest brother, Lukas was born in Africa. I lived in Minnesota for a very short time, but had to finish 3rd grade in Wichita. After 3-4 years in Wichita, my family and I moved to Lindsborg where I am a sophomore now. After we had finished moving to Wichita, my dad introduced me to Star Wars. I remember once in Wichita when my mom took my siblings and I to Wal-Mart, and I with Yohannes in the toy aisle I saw a Galactic Hero Star Wars figures Luke Skywalker and R2-D2. I started collecting these Galactic Hero Star Wars figures, but I really got into Star Wars when Star Wars the Clone Wars started. Action figures were being collected by me now from the Clone Wars. I have over 100 figures now and would like to show off my collection to you in this blog, and would invite you to do the same.